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last edited 18 years ago

a DeviceURI represent the destination of print jobs for a particular print queue.

a DeviceURI is usually made of :

  • a prefix, like socket, smb, lpd and so on, which indicate the name of the CUPS backend which will handle the transmission of the print job's datas to the destination. Prefixes are usually followed by the :// string.
  • a host or device name, for example /dev/lp0, or
  • an optional port, for example :9100
  • an optional username and password, used to connect to a remote print queue, for example with the smb backend.
  • optional arguments, for example /port/1

An example of a DeviceURI for a network printer accepting print jobs over the IPP protocol could be ipp://

To have such a print queue be managed by PyKota, you just have to change its DeviceURI to cupspykota://ipp:// and restart CUPS.

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