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last edited 18 years ago

pykotme allows end users to know the cost of a print job in advance.

For pykotme a print job is made of all datas read from its standard input, to which are added all datas read from filenames passed on its command line.

By default, pykotme will compute the cost of the print job on all printers present in PyKota's DataBase?, but you can restrict this to only a subset of these printers by using the --printer (or -P) command line option. This option accept one or more printers names as its arguments, separated with commas. As usual, wildcards are accepted as well.

For example, the command pykotme --printer "HP*","Xe*",Staff myfile.pclxl mypicture.tiff <anotherfile.dvi will compute the costs of a print job made of myfile.pclxl, mypicture.tiff and anotherfile.dvi when printed on any printer which name begins with HP or Xe or which is Staff, and will display the results.

You can make the functionnalities of pykotme available through the web by installing the pykotme.cgi CGI script on your web server.

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