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History for pkinvoice

The 'pkinvoice' command line tool is an invoice generator which produce PDF documents containing one page per invoiced user.

For each user, and invoice is created with the amount corresponding to the total cost of all jobs printed by this particular user during the specified period, or all times if no period is specified.

Functionnalities :

  - '--logo' (or '-l') : Use a specific logo file instead of PyKota's one.

  - '--pagesize' (or '-p') : Use a particular page format, like 'A4' (the default) or 'Letter', to generate the PDF document. Many popular formats are supported.

  - '--number' (or '-n') : Sets the number of the first invoice. This number will be incremented for each invoice.

  - '--output' (or '-o') : Defines the name of the PDF file to which invoices will be saved. By default, or if you use '-' as the filename, the PDF output is sent to stdout.

  - '--unit' (or '-u') : Defines the unit to use on the invoices. It defaults to 'Credits', but you could use 'U.S. Dollars' or 'EURO' instead, for example.

  - '--vat' (or '-V') : Sets the value of the VAT as a percent of the total amount. The value defaults to '0.0' which means that no VAT information will be included on the invoices.

  - '--start' (or '-s') : Defines the starting date of the period from which the printing history will be extracted to compute the invoices.

  - '--end' (or '-e') : Defines the ending date of the period from which the printing history will be extracted to compute the invoices.

  NB : The '--start' and '--end' command line switches accepts dates specifications in a format identical to "dumpykota":dumpykota's one.

Example :

  'pkinvoice --number 200600040 --output sample-invoice.pdf --vat 19.6 --unit EURO --start 20060101 --end today admin'

  would produce an invoice looking like "sample-invoice.pdf":

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